The Melki family
Its origin is from the Meyzala village in the Jbeil province. It migrated to Ain Al-Qabu near the Baskinta village in the Maten province.
In the middle of the 16th century, it moved to Baabdat. It was first known as the Maliki family until it later became the Melki family.
This family is also known in Baabdat under the names: Abboud, Daher, Oueiss and in the immigration countries under names written in a different way such as: Melki, Melky, Mulki, Melke, Milke, Melqui, Mulqui, Mulgui, Mulchi and other names such as: Abraham, Auais, Dominguez, Fatú, Ferris, Flores, Habib, Jorge, Khoury, Martinez, Weiss and others.